Cumann 1916 – 1921
1916 – 1921 Club
Cumann 1916 – 1921
1916 – 1921 Club
The 1916-1921 Club is an all-Ireland society focused on commemorating the sacrifices of the revolutionary period and furthering the cause of Irish national independence in our own day.
Founded in the 1940s in an effort to heal the divisions of the Civil War, membership was open to both sides of the conflict. It incorporated the Old Dublin Brigade Óglaigh na hÉireann in the 1980s, membership of which was open to survivors of the War of Independence.
Membership of the Club is open to all Irish citizens who subscribe to the objectives and accept the documents upon which it bases its charter.
Is cumann uile-Éireann é Cumann 1916-1921 atá dírithe ar chomóradh íobairtí na tréimhse réabhlóidigh agus ar chur chun cinn chúis neamhspleáchais náisiúnta na hÉireann lenár linn féin.
Bunaíodh é sna 1940idí mar iarracht ar dheighiltí Chogadh na gCarad a leigheas agus bhí fáilte roimh bhaill ó dhá thaobh na coimhlinte. Corpraíodh Sean-Bhriogóid Bhaile Átha Cliath de chuid Óglaigh na hÉireann sna 1980idí – eagraíocht dóibh siúd a tháinig slán ó Chogadh na Saoirse.
Tá ballraíocht le fáil do gach saoránach de chuid na hÉireann a ghlacann leis na cuspóirí agus leis na cáipéisí ar a bhfuil a chairt bunaithe.
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